"The Shofar” Newsletter NORTH EAST DISTRICT
Editor: Jan Stanko 920-524-2067 or 920-905-3199
[email protected] (E-Mail)
visit our website at: www.northeastdistrictumw.org Vol. 3 - Number 1 - JANUARY 2018 " WOULD YOU PREFER A “PAPER COPY” OF THE “SHOFAR”??? (CONTACT EDITOR for information)
Any member interested in receiving mailers may send in their subscription for $ 8.00 per year, send check (payable to: NORTH EAST DISTRICT UMW) and delivery information to: Jan Stanko, 620 Madison St., APT 3, Brillion, WI 54110 (phone: 920-524-2067)
Announcements & Deadlines
Electronic Membership report.... January 15-31 (information on pg. 9)
NED Executive Team Meeting ....... January 13 at Green Bay Bethany UMC 9:00 – 2:00
2018 Unit Special Mission Project – March 1-15 (Form on pg.10)
Mission Action Day – Registration ........March 7 (From on pg.12 & 13)
NED Executive Team Meeting ...........March 10 at New Life UMC, Seymour 9 – 2 PM
SHOFAR articles for April due .......... March 15
NED 2018 Retreat Registration...............April 2 Over-night and drive-in day, (pg. 3 & 4)
“WHAT’S IN HERE???” Page 1
Vice-President’s ...........................................................2
2018 Retreat & Registration...................................3 & 4
Program Resources..................................................... 5
2018-19 Annual Sample subscription form................ 6
Spiritual Growth............................................................ 7
Social Action.................................................................. 8
Membership, N & O and Census form......................... 9
Education & Interpret. & Special Mission Form.........10
Mission Action Day/Registration/Directions..........12-13
Mabel Heir Scholarship/Application........................14-15
“Catch the Vision” newsletter at: www.wisconsinumc.org
PG. 1
President’s Message:
Greetings and Happy New Year to all. Your district team is busy planning our events for 2018. First of which is our retreat April 20 and 21 at Camp Lucerne. We have made a few changes, one being, breakfast will be offered for the Sat attendees. We hope this makes your day start well. The conference is planning Mission Action Day April 7th in Mauston. More info will be available in this issue.
If there is something you need to know, or would like someone to attend one of your meetings, don’t hesitate to call your sister or someone from the district team. We are here for you.
When you pray to God for the world to change or events to be better in our life, pray that he gives you the wisdom to take action to promote change. It only takes one person with an idea to make a significant change in our world. With God’s help United Methodist Women can change the world.
Sandra Klein, President 920-553-3460 [email protected]
Vice-President’s Message:
Welcome 2018 to unit members of the North East District. I am looking forward to serving as your Vice-President this year.
Pencil in the dates of two events.
We have great plans for our 2018 Retreat at Lake Lucerne Camp & Retreat Center on April 20 – 21st or Drive-in day on April 21st. Check out all the information in this issue and the Registration form which will be due April 7th.
Another great day to join with your sister’s will be our Annual Celebration and Workshops at Ripon UMC on the 22nd of September. It will be a wonderful day and celebrating all you have done for missions, and our Reading Program during the year. We have something special planned, so read the “Shofar” issues.
Jan Stanko, Vice-President 920-524-2067 [email protected]
Pg. 2
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: APRIL 20 – 21, 2018 North East District Retreat
Our weekend leader will be Sharon Cook, ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church. After 10 years of working in the local church, she is now on Conference Staff working with Camps, Retreats, Safe Sanctuaries, and other ministries with young people.
April 20-21, weekend: $ 65.00 (housing only for 60)
(includes Friday evening Pot Luck, housing, Saturday breakfast and Lunch)
April 21, DRIVE-IN DAY: $ 25.00 – Registration 8:00 AM (includes Lucerne’s Breakfast and Lunch) Pg 3
UMW RETREAT at Lake Lucerne Camp and Retreat Center
W6460 County Road YY, Neshkoro, WI 54960
April 20-21st, including Friday evening pot luck, evening retreat program, housing, Saturday buffet breakfast, retreat, & buffet lunch. Retreat cost --- $65.00. Registration begins at 5:30 on Friday.
Name: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________ E-mail:____________________________
Roommate’s Name (make sure roommate has agreed)
Emergency Name & Contact Info: _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________
----------------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------
Saturday Drive-In-Day: Retreat, Lucerne’s Buffet breakfast and Lunch. Retreat fee …. $25.00. Additional $5.00 if received after APRIL 7th. Registration begins with breakfast at 8:00 AM. Retreat 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Phone: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________
Make Checks Payable To: North East District UMW
Mail to District Registrar:
Carole Biddick, N1356 Lakeshore Road, Kewaunee, WI 54126
Definitely!! No Late Registrations for Fri. & Sat. Retreat
Registration Deadline: Must be received by APRIL 7TH , 2018.
Pg 4
Treasurer: Val Caldwell, 920-539-4434 [email protected] Secretary: Karen O’Leary, 920-901-7220 [email protected]
Program Resources: “HAPPY NEW YEAR”, I wish you all a very blessed 2018. It is exciting to look forward to accomplishing new mission and spiritual growth goals. When cabin fever sets in this winter, settle down with a cup of coffee and a UMW Reading Program book! Don't forget, if 10% of your units membership reads you will receive a $20 check at our Annual Celebration. Can’t find a reading program book that is calling your name?!? Take a look at page 27 of the 2018 Reading List Catalog for the Recommended Book List. Yes, these books can be used towards your program reading.
Some reminders: Remember to order the 2018 Annual Sampler by April. The order form is enclosed with details of items included with your order. If you have questions, please contact me.
In an effort, to better serve you, I am going to order program resources and reading program books which will be available for pick up at our April Retreat. If you would like any items, please contact me by March 31st with your list, check made out to “North East District UMW” for the cost only, District will cover the postage. Mail to: Sherrie Bekyir, 1404 Western Ave. # 17, Green Bay, WI 54902 As always, let me know what you are reading and your units ideas to keep you reading.
BOOKS ON PARADE: I have highlighted books we will be studying this July at Mission U. These books can be ordered soon! Hope to see you there.
The 2018 Spiritual Growth Study, SEEKING HEALTH AND WHOLENESS by Jessica Stonecypher is the second in a two-part series about covenantal living. Seeking Health and Wholeness is designed to on explore the ways God has called us to live in covenantal relationship with all of creation and challenges readers to work toward stronger and healthier relationships with creation, their communities, themselves, and God.
The 2018 Geographic Study, THE MISSIONARY CONFERENCES OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH by J Ann Craig gives an overview of the three missionary conferences, the contexts out of which they grew and their current engagements: The Alaska United Methodist Conference, Red Bird Missionary Conference, and the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference are a hybrid of home and international missionary work. This book is available now or borrow it from a UMW sister who took this class last July. The 2018 Issue Study, WHAT ABOUT OUR MONET? A FAITH RESPONSE by Susan K Taylor explores how we relate to money within the context of our faith. Through this connection between our faith and our money, readers discover how to live closer to God and God’s people, even in our North American culture that is so deeply defined by money. She explores the biblical foundation of abundance (sufficiency), which stands in opposition to the scarcity narrative our culture tells us from the time we are very young.
Sherrie Bekyir [email protected] 920-562-9438
Pg 5
(Pg 6) - 2018 Annual Sampler, Contact United Methodist Women Mission Resources, deadline April 2018
Spiritual Growth: Wishing you each a very blessed New Year in 2018! A promise: “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs … and will strengthen your frame.” Isaiah 58:11 NIV
New Year’s resolution making is a tradition. Prayerfully consider scriptures such as these as a foundation for positive resolution making – you also may have favorite verses. The ones below remind me of the mission work UMW Units have been performing for over a century and a half.
Be cheerful givers II Corinthians 9:7
Having faith even as small as a mustard seed Luke 17:6
Letting our lights so shine that all may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Loving in the agape way Matthew 5: 43-44, 7: 12, 25:40; Luke 10:27; John 13:35, 15:13; Romans 13:8, 10; Acts 10:34; I Corinthians 13:8; Ephesians 5:2
Searching for and finding the lost sheep Luke 15: 1-7
Welcoming the stranger Deuteronomy 10:19; Leviticus 19:34; Matthew 25: 35; Hebrews 13:2; III John 1:5
As we endeavor to continue our mission work here in the Northeast UMW District for 2018, the interconnectedness between our personal spiritual development and the NED focused mission issues within our units become more meaningful through our social actions on local, district, state, national, and international levels.
We have a wonderful heritage in close to 150 years of UWM to work from!
We have enriching and challenging resources available –
In Our Units – our own local leaders and members and our interconnectedness within our NE District provide opportunities to mission. The mission work prayerfully led in our churches and in our communities lead not only to blessings for those who are missioned to, but we ourselves reap the blessings of giving with whole hearts.
Within Our District – Plan to attend our district’s retreat “What’s Your Prayer Type?” at Camp Lake Lucerne on Friday and Saturday, April 20-21. Our annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 22 in Rippon
Statewide – Mission u is scheduled for Sunday – Friday, July 22-27 in Wisconsin Rapids
The Spiritual Growth Study book is Seeking Health and Wholeness
The Issue Study book is What About Our Money: A Faith Response Nationally -- Response magazine, books from The Reading Program, The Prayer Calendar, The Program Book, are among the variety of sources that are essential to us as members.
Serving our district as the 2018-2019 Spiritual Growth coordinator will be both an honor and a privilege for me as well as a time for sharing and growing spiritually.
Charlotte – Freda Mattmiller, Spiritual Growth Coordinator
Pg 7
Social Action: As we enter 2018, this position is open. If you have a calling to fill this, contact Gwen Gibson or a member from the Nomination Committee.
Pg 8
Membership, Nurture & Outreach
Please contact your District Team Sister (sister unit is listed at top of your Unit page) if you need any help or have questions. Together we can obtain our goal of 100% of the Northeast District units successfully reporting their membership!
God's Blessings,
Betsy Johnson, 920-499-6425
United Methodist Women WORKSHEET for Census for 2017
File after January 1, 2018 at: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org click on “Census” and complete the online form with the information listed below. If you have any problems, contact “Team Sister” listed on your Unit page in your 2017 yearbook.
Name of Church_______________________________________________________
District: North East Conference: Wisconsin
Unit Name___________________________________________________________
Jurisdiction: North Central
Church Address____________________________________________________________
Check Unit type (any that apply): Local_________; Cluster___________; and or Circles:((number)________ Language___________________________
Phone ___________________________ e-mail___________________________________
Number of members as of Jan 1st 2017: _______; New Members: _______; Lost Members:_______.
Name of person filling out form:_________________________________________
Social media used________________________________________________________
Do you use social media for events?_______________________________________
Do you use a Hashtag#? ________________________________________
Pg 9
Education & Interpretation
So many United Methodist Women invest their time and resources towards specific needs in the world throughout the year.
We have just focused on recording projects out local units plan to devote energy and money to in 2018. I am asking each of you to think about what your individual focus for your local UMW unit projects will be and plan your monthly steps to meet your goals.
In September, 2018, at our district gathering the results of your time, efforts, and giving will be reported to other members and units.
In gratitude, I send you all wishes for peace, friendship, good will, happiness, hope and joy in 2018.
Ruth Wiersma [email protected] 920-468-5562
_______________________ (form below) ________________________
NORTH EAST DISTRICT SPECIAL LOCAL MISSION PROJECT FOR 2018 Project runs from March 1st thru August 15th. Awards will be presented to participating Units at our 2018 Annual Celebration on September 22nd at RIPON UMC.
UMW UNIT: _______________________________
Submitted by: ____________________________
Unit Officer: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Name and description of your local mission project: ___________
Describe activities your unit will be doing to support this project:___________________________________________________________
Estimate number of members and hours that will be devoted to this project: ___________________________________________________________
Submit: Completed form by or before March 1, 2018
Send to: Ruth Wiersma, E & I Co-Coordinator 2515 Hillside Lane, Green Bay, WI 54302
Or E-mail to: [email protected]
Pg 10
I have been a member of the UMC Wisconsin Conference since 2001 and an active member of the United Methodist Women in my local unit, the Winnebago and new North East Districts and Conference. I know that each UMW Member in the North East District does her best to fulfill the purpose of the organization, and I am proud to be in the company of these members.
My job, and our job is to encourage our UMW sisters to be leaders and respond to the call of missions through leadership. Sometimes this can be a daunting task, but we are women of courage and conviction. I am excited to be the Nominations Chair of the committee and look forward to our work together. Gwen Gibson, Chairperson, [email protected] 920-221-5314
Communications: Editor
Here we are preparing the first issue of the “Shofar” for 2018.
This year we are trying to be eco-friendly and financially responsible. Because of that, all Shofars will be sent electronically, however, IF you want a paper copy let me know.
Send your: mailing address, your check to: North East District UMW for $ 8.00 ( 4 issues) to: Jan Stanko, 620 Madison St., APT 3, Brillion, WI 54110.
WE hope all units will forward every newsletter to all those in your unit that has e-mail address and provide a paper copy to those that do not. We need to increase communications within the North East District. I’m sure we can count on you!
Our 2018 Yearbooks will be mailed to you during mid-January.
A QUICK REMINDER: We enjoy publicizing your events and mission endeavors. The deadline for all the Shofars and on the inside cover of the yearbook. Send your information to me. Thank you.
Jan Stanko, Editor 920-524-2067 [email protected]
Mission Action Day
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Mauston United Methodist Church 420 Suszycki Drive
Mauston, WI 53948
Themes: Health Care policy and Income inequality and racial justice
Program to focus on: How do people of faith deal with health care insurance and related issues of income disparages related to race. How are faith communities involved.
Registration: 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Sending forth: 2:30 p.m.
Registration is transferrable, not refundable.
2018 MISSION ACTION DAY REGISTRATION FORMDeadline for Registration: Friday, March 9, 2018- $12 registration fee
Late registration-$15- March 10-17, after March 17- fee remains $15 lunch on your own
Name Address City State/ZIP Code
District Church
Phone Email
Child Care needed for child(ren), Age(s) (I also understand that I am responsible for providing a sack lunch for each child or paying the registration fee of $12.00 for each child in order to cover their lunch.)
Dietary or other considerations
Send form and registration fee to:
Janet Brockman, W6943 North Road, Mauston, WI 53948
Make checks payable to: Wisconsin Conference UMW pg 12
Driving Directions to Mauston UMC, Mauston
For Mission Action Day, Saturday, April 7, 2018
• FROM STEVENS POINT/WAUSAU AREA (NORTHWEST): Take 39/51 south to Hwy 82 west to Mauston. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM MADISON AREA (SOUTHWEST): Take 94/90/39 North. Stay on 90/94 to exit 69 (Mauston). Turn left onto Hwy. 82. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM MILWAUKEE AREA (SOUTH): Take Hwy 94 towards Madison. Take 90/94/39 north. Stay on 90/94 to exit 69 (Mauston). Turn left onto Hwy. 82. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM GREEN BAY AREA (NORTH): Take Hwy 41 south to Hwy 44 towards Ripon. Turn right onto Hwy. 23. Go straight on Hwy 82 towards Oxford and continue to Mauston. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM LA CROSSE AREA (WEST): Take 90 east to 90/94 east towards Madison. Stay on 90/94 to exit 69 (Mauston). Turn right onto Hwy. 82. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
Pg 13
Mabel Heil Scholarship
The Mabel Heil Scholarships are a result of funds from the will of Sarah Mabel Heil, a woman from Cuba City, Wisconsin. The first scholarships were first granted in 1981. Since then more than 240 woman have received help with their education.
Requirements and Instructions:
1. Be a female member of Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Women.
2. Submit a written answer to the question; "In what way do I consider myself a worthy student!"
3. Send the completed application form to the contact person by May 1 for the Fall semester or October 1 for the Spring semester.
4. Request that a letter of recommendation be sent to the contact person by the president of the local UMW or the pastor of the church.
5. Request that a letter of recommendation be sent to the contact person by a church member who is not a member of your household and is not a relative.
1. Any member of Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Women working to improve her education may apply.
2. Have all letters written (preferably typed) on one side of an 81/2 by Il sheet of white paper using black ink.
3. All applications are photo copied for committee members.
4. Scholarships are awarded one semester at a time. To be considered again DURING a one-year period, you must send a letter asking to be considered. AFTER one year, you will need to fill out another form and secure new recommendations.
5. If in any given year there is an increase of applications, these priorities will be followed: Women responsible for others will be favored. Women preparing to return to the employment field will be favored.
6. The schedule: First Semester: apply by May l, notify by June 1, check given by August 15
Second Semester: apply by October 1, notify by November 1, check by December 1
7. Application and two letters of recommendation must be postmarked no later May I and October 1 to be considered.
Contact person: Helen Robinson N2101 Cleghorn Rd., Waupaca, WI 54981 715 258 0973 [email protected]
pg 14
__________________________APPLICATION FORM________________________
Mabel Heil Scholarship Application
Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Women
Please Print: Name & Date __________
Phone Number ____________ Email_________________ Birth Date _________
1. Local Church:
a. Name & City _____________________________________________________
Pastor: _____________________ UMW President _____________________
(signatures) ___________________________ _________________________
Are you a member of United Methodist Women?
2. Activities:
b. In United Methodist Women ________________________________________
In your local church __________________________________________
In the community
3.Education: (Give year of graduation) High School____ College____ Other____
School You will be attending _____________________________________
Have you been accepted as a student? yes/ no _____Present (post high school) status: Freshman ____ Sophomore____ Junior____ Senior____ Graduate ___ Other____
Course of Study_______________________________________
4. Family Status ______________________________________
5. Please answer the following using an additional sheet: IN WHAT WAY DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A WORTHY STUDENT?
Contact person: Helen Robinson N2101 Cleghorn Rd.,
Waupaca, WI 54981 715 258 0973 [email protected]
"The Shofar” Newsletter NORTH EAST DISTRICT
Editor: Jan Stanko 920-524-2067 or 920-905-3199
[email protected] (E-Mail)
visit our website at: www.northeastdistrictumw.org Vol. 3 - Number 1 - JANUARY 2018 " WOULD YOU PREFER A “PAPER COPY” OF THE “SHOFAR”??? (CONTACT EDITOR for information)
Any member interested in receiving mailers may send in their subscription for $ 8.00 per year, send check (payable to: NORTH EAST DISTRICT UMW) and delivery information to: Jan Stanko, 620 Madison St., APT 3, Brillion, WI 54110 (phone: 920-524-2067)
Announcements & Deadlines
Electronic Membership report.... January 15-31 (information on pg. 9)
NED Executive Team Meeting ....... January 13 at Green Bay Bethany UMC 9:00 – 2:00
2018 Unit Special Mission Project – March 1-15 (Form on pg.10)
Mission Action Day – Registration ........March 7 (From on pg.12 & 13)
NED Executive Team Meeting ...........March 10 at New Life UMC, Seymour 9 – 2 PM
SHOFAR articles for April due .......... March 15
NED 2018 Retreat Registration...............April 2 Over-night and drive-in day, (pg. 3 & 4)
“WHAT’S IN HERE???” Page 1
Vice-President’s ...........................................................2
2018 Retreat & Registration...................................3 & 4
Program Resources..................................................... 5
2018-19 Annual Sample subscription form................ 6
Spiritual Growth............................................................ 7
Social Action.................................................................. 8
Membership, N & O and Census form......................... 9
Education & Interpret. & Special Mission Form.........10
Mission Action Day/Registration/Directions..........12-13
Mabel Heir Scholarship/Application........................14-15
“Catch the Vision” newsletter at: www.wisconsinumc.org
PG. 1
President’s Message:
Greetings and Happy New Year to all. Your district team is busy planning our events for 2018. First of which is our retreat April 20 and 21 at Camp Lucerne. We have made a few changes, one being, breakfast will be offered for the Sat attendees. We hope this makes your day start well. The conference is planning Mission Action Day April 7th in Mauston. More info will be available in this issue.
If there is something you need to know, or would like someone to attend one of your meetings, don’t hesitate to call your sister or someone from the district team. We are here for you.
When you pray to God for the world to change or events to be better in our life, pray that he gives you the wisdom to take action to promote change. It only takes one person with an idea to make a significant change in our world. With God’s help United Methodist Women can change the world.
Sandra Klein, President 920-553-3460 [email protected]
Vice-President’s Message:
Welcome 2018 to unit members of the North East District. I am looking forward to serving as your Vice-President this year.
Pencil in the dates of two events.
We have great plans for our 2018 Retreat at Lake Lucerne Camp & Retreat Center on April 20 – 21st or Drive-in day on April 21st. Check out all the information in this issue and the Registration form which will be due April 7th.
Another great day to join with your sister’s will be our Annual Celebration and Workshops at Ripon UMC on the 22nd of September. It will be a wonderful day and celebrating all you have done for missions, and our Reading Program during the year. We have something special planned, so read the “Shofar” issues.
Jan Stanko, Vice-President 920-524-2067 [email protected]
Pg. 2
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: APRIL 20 – 21, 2018 North East District Retreat
Our weekend leader will be Sharon Cook, ordained Elder in The United Methodist Church. After 10 years of working in the local church, she is now on Conference Staff working with Camps, Retreats, Safe Sanctuaries, and other ministries with young people.
April 20-21, weekend: $ 65.00 (housing only for 60)
(includes Friday evening Pot Luck, housing, Saturday breakfast and Lunch)
April 21, DRIVE-IN DAY: $ 25.00 – Registration 8:00 AM (includes Lucerne’s Breakfast and Lunch) Pg 3
UMW RETREAT at Lake Lucerne Camp and Retreat Center
W6460 County Road YY, Neshkoro, WI 54960
April 20-21st, including Friday evening pot luck, evening retreat program, housing, Saturday buffet breakfast, retreat, & buffet lunch. Retreat cost --- $65.00. Registration begins at 5:30 on Friday.
Name: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ___________________ E-mail:____________________________
Roommate’s Name (make sure roommate has agreed)
Emergency Name & Contact Info: _____________________________ ______________________________________________________________
----------------------------------------- CUT HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------
Saturday Drive-In-Day: Retreat, Lucerne’s Buffet breakfast and Lunch. Retreat fee …. $25.00. Additional $5.00 if received after APRIL 7th. Registration begins with breakfast at 8:00 AM. Retreat 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Phone: ____________________ E-mail: ___________________________
Make Checks Payable To: North East District UMW
Mail to District Registrar:
Carole Biddick, N1356 Lakeshore Road, Kewaunee, WI 54126
Definitely!! No Late Registrations for Fri. & Sat. Retreat
Registration Deadline: Must be received by APRIL 7TH , 2018.
Pg 4
Treasurer: Val Caldwell, 920-539-4434 [email protected] Secretary: Karen O’Leary, 920-901-7220 [email protected]
Program Resources: “HAPPY NEW YEAR”, I wish you all a very blessed 2018. It is exciting to look forward to accomplishing new mission and spiritual growth goals. When cabin fever sets in this winter, settle down with a cup of coffee and a UMW Reading Program book! Don't forget, if 10% of your units membership reads you will receive a $20 check at our Annual Celebration. Can’t find a reading program book that is calling your name?!? Take a look at page 27 of the 2018 Reading List Catalog for the Recommended Book List. Yes, these books can be used towards your program reading.
Some reminders: Remember to order the 2018 Annual Sampler by April. The order form is enclosed with details of items included with your order. If you have questions, please contact me.
In an effort, to better serve you, I am going to order program resources and reading program books which will be available for pick up at our April Retreat. If you would like any items, please contact me by March 31st with your list, check made out to “North East District UMW” for the cost only, District will cover the postage. Mail to: Sherrie Bekyir, 1404 Western Ave. # 17, Green Bay, WI 54902 As always, let me know what you are reading and your units ideas to keep you reading.
BOOKS ON PARADE: I have highlighted books we will be studying this July at Mission U. These books can be ordered soon! Hope to see you there.
The 2018 Spiritual Growth Study, SEEKING HEALTH AND WHOLENESS by Jessica Stonecypher is the second in a two-part series about covenantal living. Seeking Health and Wholeness is designed to on explore the ways God has called us to live in covenantal relationship with all of creation and challenges readers to work toward stronger and healthier relationships with creation, their communities, themselves, and God.
The 2018 Geographic Study, THE MISSIONARY CONFERENCES OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH by J Ann Craig gives an overview of the three missionary conferences, the contexts out of which they grew and their current engagements: The Alaska United Methodist Conference, Red Bird Missionary Conference, and the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference are a hybrid of home and international missionary work. This book is available now or borrow it from a UMW sister who took this class last July. The 2018 Issue Study, WHAT ABOUT OUR MONET? A FAITH RESPONSE by Susan K Taylor explores how we relate to money within the context of our faith. Through this connection between our faith and our money, readers discover how to live closer to God and God’s people, even in our North American culture that is so deeply defined by money. She explores the biblical foundation of abundance (sufficiency), which stands in opposition to the scarcity narrative our culture tells us from the time we are very young.
Sherrie Bekyir [email protected] 920-562-9438
Pg 5
(Pg 6) - 2018 Annual Sampler, Contact United Methodist Women Mission Resources, deadline April 2018
Spiritual Growth: Wishing you each a very blessed New Year in 2018! A promise: “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs … and will strengthen your frame.” Isaiah 58:11 NIV
New Year’s resolution making is a tradition. Prayerfully consider scriptures such as these as a foundation for positive resolution making – you also may have favorite verses. The ones below remind me of the mission work UMW Units have been performing for over a century and a half.
Be cheerful givers II Corinthians 9:7
Having faith even as small as a mustard seed Luke 17:6
Letting our lights so shine that all may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Loving in the agape way Matthew 5: 43-44, 7: 12, 25:40; Luke 10:27; John 13:35, 15:13; Romans 13:8, 10; Acts 10:34; I Corinthians 13:8; Ephesians 5:2
Searching for and finding the lost sheep Luke 15: 1-7
Welcoming the stranger Deuteronomy 10:19; Leviticus 19:34; Matthew 25: 35; Hebrews 13:2; III John 1:5
As we endeavor to continue our mission work here in the Northeast UMW District for 2018, the interconnectedness between our personal spiritual development and the NED focused mission issues within our units become more meaningful through our social actions on local, district, state, national, and international levels.
We have a wonderful heritage in close to 150 years of UWM to work from!
We have enriching and challenging resources available –
In Our Units – our own local leaders and members and our interconnectedness within our NE District provide opportunities to mission. The mission work prayerfully led in our churches and in our communities lead not only to blessings for those who are missioned to, but we ourselves reap the blessings of giving with whole hearts.
Within Our District – Plan to attend our district’s retreat “What’s Your Prayer Type?” at Camp Lake Lucerne on Friday and Saturday, April 20-21. Our annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday, September 22 in Rippon
Statewide – Mission u is scheduled for Sunday – Friday, July 22-27 in Wisconsin Rapids
The Spiritual Growth Study book is Seeking Health and Wholeness
The Issue Study book is What About Our Money: A Faith Response Nationally -- Response magazine, books from The Reading Program, The Prayer Calendar, The Program Book, are among the variety of sources that are essential to us as members.
Serving our district as the 2018-2019 Spiritual Growth coordinator will be both an honor and a privilege for me as well as a time for sharing and growing spiritually.
Charlotte – Freda Mattmiller, Spiritual Growth Coordinator
Pg 7
Social Action: As we enter 2018, this position is open. If you have a calling to fill this, contact Gwen Gibson or a member from the Nomination Committee.
Pg 8
Membership, Nurture & Outreach
Please contact your District Team Sister (sister unit is listed at top of your Unit page) if you need any help or have questions. Together we can obtain our goal of 100% of the Northeast District units successfully reporting their membership!
God's Blessings,
Betsy Johnson, 920-499-6425
United Methodist Women WORKSHEET for Census for 2017
File after January 1, 2018 at: www.unitedmethodistwomen.org click on “Census” and complete the online form with the information listed below. If you have any problems, contact “Team Sister” listed on your Unit page in your 2017 yearbook.
Name of Church_______________________________________________________
District: North East Conference: Wisconsin
Unit Name___________________________________________________________
Jurisdiction: North Central
Church Address____________________________________________________________
Check Unit type (any that apply): Local_________; Cluster___________; and or Circles:((number)________ Language___________________________
Phone ___________________________ e-mail___________________________________
Number of members as of Jan 1st 2017: _______; New Members: _______; Lost Members:_______.
Name of person filling out form:_________________________________________
Social media used________________________________________________________
Do you use social media for events?_______________________________________
Do you use a Hashtag#? ________________________________________
Pg 9
Education & Interpretation
So many United Methodist Women invest their time and resources towards specific needs in the world throughout the year.
We have just focused on recording projects out local units plan to devote energy and money to in 2018. I am asking each of you to think about what your individual focus for your local UMW unit projects will be and plan your monthly steps to meet your goals.
In September, 2018, at our district gathering the results of your time, efforts, and giving will be reported to other members and units.
In gratitude, I send you all wishes for peace, friendship, good will, happiness, hope and joy in 2018.
Ruth Wiersma [email protected] 920-468-5562
_______________________ (form below) ________________________
NORTH EAST DISTRICT SPECIAL LOCAL MISSION PROJECT FOR 2018 Project runs from March 1st thru August 15th. Awards will be presented to participating Units at our 2018 Annual Celebration on September 22nd at RIPON UMC.
UMW UNIT: _______________________________
Submitted by: ____________________________
Unit Officer: ______________________________ Date: ______________
Name and description of your local mission project: ___________
Describe activities your unit will be doing to support this project:___________________________________________________________
Estimate number of members and hours that will be devoted to this project: ___________________________________________________________
Submit: Completed form by or before March 1, 2018
Send to: Ruth Wiersma, E & I Co-Coordinator 2515 Hillside Lane, Green Bay, WI 54302
Or E-mail to: [email protected]
Pg 10
I have been a member of the UMC Wisconsin Conference since 2001 and an active member of the United Methodist Women in my local unit, the Winnebago and new North East Districts and Conference. I know that each UMW Member in the North East District does her best to fulfill the purpose of the organization, and I am proud to be in the company of these members.
My job, and our job is to encourage our UMW sisters to be leaders and respond to the call of missions through leadership. Sometimes this can be a daunting task, but we are women of courage and conviction. I am excited to be the Nominations Chair of the committee and look forward to our work together. Gwen Gibson, Chairperson, [email protected] 920-221-5314
Communications: Editor
Here we are preparing the first issue of the “Shofar” for 2018.
This year we are trying to be eco-friendly and financially responsible. Because of that, all Shofars will be sent electronically, however, IF you want a paper copy let me know.
Send your: mailing address, your check to: North East District UMW for $ 8.00 ( 4 issues) to: Jan Stanko, 620 Madison St., APT 3, Brillion, WI 54110.
WE hope all units will forward every newsletter to all those in your unit that has e-mail address and provide a paper copy to those that do not. We need to increase communications within the North East District. I’m sure we can count on you!
Our 2018 Yearbooks will be mailed to you during mid-January.
A QUICK REMINDER: We enjoy publicizing your events and mission endeavors. The deadline for all the Shofars and on the inside cover of the yearbook. Send your information to me. Thank you.
Jan Stanko, Editor 920-524-2067 [email protected]
Mission Action Day
Saturday, April 7, 2018
Mauston United Methodist Church 420 Suszycki Drive
Mauston, WI 53948
Themes: Health Care policy and Income inequality and racial justice
Program to focus on: How do people of faith deal with health care insurance and related issues of income disparages related to race. How are faith communities involved.
Registration: 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Sending forth: 2:30 p.m.
Registration is transferrable, not refundable.
2018 MISSION ACTION DAY REGISTRATION FORMDeadline for Registration: Friday, March 9, 2018- $12 registration fee
Late registration-$15- March 10-17, after March 17- fee remains $15 lunch on your own
Name Address City State/ZIP Code
District Church
Phone Email
Child Care needed for child(ren), Age(s) (I also understand that I am responsible for providing a sack lunch for each child or paying the registration fee of $12.00 for each child in order to cover their lunch.)
Dietary or other considerations
Send form and registration fee to:
Janet Brockman, W6943 North Road, Mauston, WI 53948
Make checks payable to: Wisconsin Conference UMW pg 12
Driving Directions to Mauston UMC, Mauston
For Mission Action Day, Saturday, April 7, 2018
• FROM STEVENS POINT/WAUSAU AREA (NORTHWEST): Take 39/51 south to Hwy 82 west to Mauston. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM MADISON AREA (SOUTHWEST): Take 94/90/39 North. Stay on 90/94 to exit 69 (Mauston). Turn left onto Hwy. 82. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM MILWAUKEE AREA (SOUTH): Take Hwy 94 towards Madison. Take 90/94/39 north. Stay on 90/94 to exit 69 (Mauston). Turn left onto Hwy. 82. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM GREEN BAY AREA (NORTH): Take Hwy 41 south to Hwy 44 towards Ripon. Turn right onto Hwy. 23. Go straight on Hwy 82 towards Oxford and continue to Mauston. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
• FROM LA CROSSE AREA (WEST): Take 90 east to 90/94 east towards Madison. Stay on 90/94 to exit 69 (Mauston). Turn right onto Hwy. 82. Turn Left on N. Union Street (Hwy 82 and County G), Turn right onto east State Street (Hwy, 12). Turn left onto Division. Turn right onto Milwaukee Street. Turn right onto Suszycki Dr. Parking lot is on left side of street.
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Mabel Heil Scholarship
The Mabel Heil Scholarships are a result of funds from the will of Sarah Mabel Heil, a woman from Cuba City, Wisconsin. The first scholarships were first granted in 1981. Since then more than 240 woman have received help with their education.
Requirements and Instructions:
1. Be a female member of Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Women.
2. Submit a written answer to the question; "In what way do I consider myself a worthy student!"
3. Send the completed application form to the contact person by May 1 for the Fall semester or October 1 for the Spring semester.
4. Request that a letter of recommendation be sent to the contact person by the president of the local UMW or the pastor of the church.
5. Request that a letter of recommendation be sent to the contact person by a church member who is not a member of your household and is not a relative.
1. Any member of Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Women working to improve her education may apply.
2. Have all letters written (preferably typed) on one side of an 81/2 by Il sheet of white paper using black ink.
3. All applications are photo copied for committee members.
4. Scholarships are awarded one semester at a time. To be considered again DURING a one-year period, you must send a letter asking to be considered. AFTER one year, you will need to fill out another form and secure new recommendations.
5. If in any given year there is an increase of applications, these priorities will be followed: Women responsible for others will be favored. Women preparing to return to the employment field will be favored.
6. The schedule: First Semester: apply by May l, notify by June 1, check given by August 15
Second Semester: apply by October 1, notify by November 1, check by December 1
7. Application and two letters of recommendation must be postmarked no later May I and October 1 to be considered.
Contact person: Helen Robinson N2101 Cleghorn Rd., Waupaca, WI 54981 715 258 0973 [email protected]
pg 14
__________________________APPLICATION FORM________________________
Mabel Heil Scholarship Application
Wisconsin Conference United Methodist Women
Please Print: Name & Date __________
Phone Number ____________ Email_________________ Birth Date _________
1. Local Church:
a. Name & City _____________________________________________________
Pastor: _____________________ UMW President _____________________
(signatures) ___________________________ _________________________
Are you a member of United Methodist Women?
2. Activities:
b. In United Methodist Women ________________________________________
In your local church __________________________________________
In the community
3.Education: (Give year of graduation) High School____ College____ Other____
School You will be attending _____________________________________
Have you been accepted as a student? yes/ no _____Present (post high school) status: Freshman ____ Sophomore____ Junior____ Senior____ Graduate ___ Other____
Course of Study_______________________________________
4. Family Status ______________________________________
5. Please answer the following using an additional sheet: IN WHAT WAY DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A WORTHY STUDENT?
Contact person: Helen Robinson N2101 Cleghorn Rd.,
Waupaca, WI 54981 715 258 0973 [email protected]